Tuesday 22 May 2012

Bricks and Plastering Started

Very exciting to see the house looking more like a house. The plaster is going up so fast. The ceiling in the living room looks great - but it's very echoey in there. Most rooms have the board up now, but the joining and so on hasn't been started yet. Very impressed with the progress the last 2 days.

Standing where the oven will be

The bricks started today and they are already looking really good. We were a bit worried as we don't have any corner bricks, and with our bricks being a larger size then standard doing the corners would make the whole house offset rather then having each brick centred over another, but it looks really good still. I have also been stressing as Timbercrete cannot be acid washed so the brickies have to be really careful and neat when laying them and they are doing a brilliant job.

Garage corner

1 comment:

  1. Looking good guys - were starting to Tan up already!!
